To All 2017 Cornhusker State Games Badminton Players, Welcome to badminton’s 29th consecutive appearance in the Cornhusker State Games. Your participation will make this a fun and memorable event. More importantly, I want everyone to be aware of a few necessary changes that had to be made in the past few days. There are more […]
We would like to recognize the competitors that were nominated from Badminton for Athlete of the Year 2016! Female: Rio Sisson Male: Wei Ming Lim Senior: Keith Muller Youth: Ashley Waggoner Congratulations to all the nominees from 2016! We look forward to seeing who will be nominated at the 2017 Games.
We are looking for a few good men and women to volunteer to help us out during the 2015 State Games of America. Wives and children are welcome to sign up. This year we are required to keep track of everyone who is involved with the games and need everyone who is going to volunteer […]
Congratulations to all the winners! Also Congratulations to Wei Ming Lim and Jaeduck Park for co-winning the Sportsman’s Appreciation Trophy! You can get a more in-depth view on the results at the Tournament Software Website by CLICKING HERE!
Open Men’s Singles 1st–Norman Ong, St. Paul, Minn. 2nd–Nick Schafer, Houston, Tex. 3rd–Wei Ming Lim, Papillion, Neb. Open Women’s Singles 1st–Mani Hunjan, Olathe, Kan. 2nd–Zhining Ou, Manhattan, Kan. 3rd–Lily Chen, Englewood, NJ Jr/Sr Men’s Singles (age 35-39) 1st–Rajeev Trehan, Lawrence, Kan. 2nd–James McVay, Springdale, Ark. No 3rd place Open Men’s Doubles 1st–Nick Schafer, Houston, Tex/Norman […]
The results of the recent tournament can be found in the tournament section of this website.
To register for the Ray Scott Tournament, please fill out the registration form and send to Bob Ericson. His address is on the bottom of the form. See you at the tournament!
The Badminton Games were at UNO this year. There were 79 participants. This was the largest badminton event since the 2001 Winter Games at Offutt when 172 participated.
The Cornhusker State Games Badminton Tournament was at UNO this year. There were 79 participants. This was the largest badminton event since the 2001 Winter Games at Offutt when 172 participated.
Mark your calendars! The next 2012 Ray Scott Open will be held the weekend of October 13 and 14 in Omaha. Check back later for more information.