Volunteers Needed for SGA

We are looking for a few good men and women to volunteer to help us out during the 2015 State Games of America. Wives and children are welcome to sign up.

This year we are required to keep track of everyone who is involved with the games and need everyone who is going to volunteer to fill out the form below. After you fill it out, please bring it with you on Sunday, March 29th, and give it to Bob, Karen, or Thom.

We are looking for volunteers to help out with the following tasks:

  • Set up the gym on Friday Night
  • Check-in Table early Saturday Morning
  • Score Keepers
  • Awards
  • Control Table/Runners
  • Clean up on Sunday Night

Please fill it out completely. All volunteers will receive a free t-shirt and lunch.

Volunteer Signup SGA 2015

Forms will also be available at every Sunday Play until May 15th, if you do not download one here.

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