Dec 13
University of Nebraska Omaha
6001 Dodge Street, Omaha, NE 68182
DATE: Saturday, July 19, 2014
TIMES: Pre-Tournament instructions at 7:30 a.m. Competition starts at 8 a.m.
SITE: University of Nebraska at Omaha HPER Complex, Omaha. (HPER building is on the south side of campus)
NOTE: There will be NO ADMISSION OR GATE CHARGE for spectators at this event.
Open: Has played indoor competitive badminton in local or regional tournaments and plays at least once a week on a regular basis.
Recreational: Plays indoor badminton at a club or gym once in a while or plays for fun and exercise with little or no experience.
Senior: Must be 50 years of age or older as of July 19, 2014.
High School: Must be between 15-18 years of age as of July 19, 2014.
Youth: Must be 14 years of age or younger as of July 19, 2014.
Disabled: Uses a wheelchair or other mobility aid.
Family Recreational: Parent (recreational player) with youth 14 or under.
REGISTER BY JUNE 16 AND SAVE! If registered by Monday, June 16, the Badminton entry fee is $22 per person for the first event and $7 per person for each additional event (maximum of 3 events per person). Between June 17 and June 30, the fee is $27 per person for first event, $7 per person for each additional event.
FINAL ENTRY DEADLINE: Monday, June 30. Some sports accept entries after June 30 with an additional fee. If not specifically stated in the sport information, please contact the NSC office at 402-471-2544 to see if your sport accepts late entries.
NOTE: If entering in both an individual and doubles event, both entries must occur in the same transaction to receive the multiple-event discount. Entry fee includes an athlete shirt, passes to SportFest and the Opening Ceremonies and a copy of the NSC Yearbook. Yearbooks will not be shipped, but will be available at the Opening Ceremonies on July 18 and at the Nebraska Sports Council office during normal packet pickup dates/times.
ONLINE REGISTRATION NOTE: If signing up for a doubles event, the participant will be asked to enter his/her doubles partner. Entering their partner’s name DOES NOT register them for the event. Each team member must register themselves for the event, or the participant has the option to register their partner by selecting “Register Another Participant” on step one of the online registration process.
COMPETITION FORMAT: Championship/consolation. Director may split divisions and reserves the right to combine events based on the number of entries. All participants will be guaranteed at least two matches. First match determines placement. Loser of first round match drops to single-elimination consolation bracket and winner advances in the single-elimination championship bracket. Semi-final losers, in the winners bracket, play for third place (bronze medal). The tournament will be conducted using rally scoring: all events are best of three games to 21 points. Must win by two points unless game is tied at 29 all. Then, next point wins.
EQUIPMENT: Approved synthetic shuttlecocks will be supplied. Feather shuttlecocks may be used providing specific match competitors mutually agree before the start of a match. Feather shuttles must be supplied by the participants. Players must also supply their own rackets.
AWARDS: Gold and silver medals will be awarded to winner and runner-up in the championship bracket of each event. A bronze medal will be awarded to the winner of the consolation bracket in each event. Semi-final losers, of the winners bracket, play for the bronze medal. Consolation winner receives a certificate. A traveling trophy will be awarded to the school/organization or group that brings the most entrants.
RULES: USA Badminton rules will apply.
PACKET SHIPPING AVAILABLE FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE: Save time, avoid hassles and receive your CSG gear more than a week before the Opening Ceremonies by shipping your athlete packet ($7) or team box ($14). Athletes who do not select the shipping option may pick up their packets at the following locations/times:
July 16 – 17 | 8 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Friday, July 18 | 4 p.m. – 7 p.m.
July 19 – 20 | 8 a.m. – 6 p.m.
July 25 – 27 | 8 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Packets WILL NOT be available for pick-up at the NSC office on Friday, July 18.
Packets WILL NOT be available for pick up at the competition sites.
OPENING CEREMONIES & SPORTFEST: The always popular Opening Ceremonies on Friday, July 18 will again be preceded by SportFest, a party with all the trimmings including inflatable/carnival games, interactive displays, music and free dinner for registered athletes.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Badminton Director Bob Ericson at 402-571-6933 or Assistant Director Thom Sisson at 573-647-2693 Contact either Bob or Thom for information concerning Badminton rules or equipment.