Dec 08
Plans are underway for the 2008 Ray Scott Open. As in previous years, it will be held at the Papillion High School Gym, 402 E. Centennial Rd., Papillion, NE. The dates are October 11 and 12.
Depending on the number of participants, the events will include Open, Jr. Senior, Senior, Master, Grand Master, Golden Master & Platinum Master (Men’s & Women’s Singles, Doubles, Mixed Doubles), Recreational (little or no tournament experience). USAB membership is required to participate in all events except for Recreational.
The first event is $15. Each additional event is $5. There is a maximum of 3 events. Tournament membership to USAB is $25.
The format will be A-B-C-D Drop Flight for Open Events only and if a sufficient number of entries are received (17 minimum). Otherwise, the format is Championship / Consolation. First round losers go to Consolation bracket for further play. USAB requires use of rally scoring in all sanctioned tournaments.
Medals will be awarded to the champion, runner-up, and consolation winners in each event. Prizes also will be awarded for OPEN events. As our tradition, a free international buffet / dinner will be provided to all entrants and their guests.
Come join in the fun. Send in your entry form today! The deadline is October 4th.